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tv   State of the Union With Jake Tapper  CNN  July 16, 2017 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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x1 voice remote. xfinity. the future of awesome. megan's smile is getting a lot because she uses act® mouthwash. act® strengthens enamel, protects teeth from harmful acids, and helps prevent cavities. go beyond brushing with act®. trump family ties. >> my son is a wonderful young man. >> president trump tries to defend his son's meeting with russians even as the story keeps changing. >> most people would have taken that meeting. >> did president trump know the russians wanted him to win? we'll ask a top trump lawyer. plus, smoking gun.
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what do donald trump junior's e-mails prove? >> criminal conspiracy to defraud the united states, plain and simpbl. >> will he have to testify. >> he will be somebody we want to talk to. >> the top democratic on the senate intelligence committee will be here live. health care hustle. republicans taking another crack at repealing obamacare. >> i have am sit ting in the ovl office with a pen in hand waiting for our senators to give it to me. >> breaking news on the latest development that threatens to derail it. a key senator reveals how she will vote, next. the best political minds will be here on insights with what happens next. hello, i'm jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is disapproving. a brand new poll shows president trump has hit a new low with
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americane americane voters. just 36% say they approve and 58% disapprove. half of the american people say they strongly disapprove of the job. 55% say the president is not making progress on his agenda. overnight the number one item repealing and replacing obamacare stalled again with mitch mcconnell announcing that the vote will be delayed while republican senator john mccain recovers from surgery. president trump is up this morning observing the sabbath as only he can tweeting attacks on the free press and hillary clinton as well as mounting a defense of his son, don junior who has acknowledged a meeting with russians who claim to want to deliver the trump campaign dirt on clinton. asked about the meeting in this poll, 63% of americans say it was inappropriate. joining me now is a member of president trump's legal team. good to see you. this week a number of different conservatives expressed disappointment after reading the
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e-mails from donald trump junior at which he expressed glee of getting dirt on hillary clinton. this is what a conservative columnist had to say the russia scandal entered a new phase and there's no going back. this is not hearsay, not fake news. what donald junior did may not be criminal but it's not merely stupid. it's deeply wrong. a feeundamental violation of an code of civil honor. this was wrong and a violation of civic honor? >> i deal with the law. that's what i'm the lawyer for the president. campaigns involve opposition research. the situation with the e-mail exchange that was released by donald trump junior and what was described there is look at it compared to the situation with the ukraine and the clinton campaign. >> the moment there's an fbi
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investigation or senate house intelligence committee investigation into ukraine and the dnc and the clinton campaign, i'm happy to discuss it. that's not what's going on right now. >> isn't that interesting there isn't one? >> there isn't one because nobody from the ukraine government met with anybody from the clinton campaign. moving on from that you're talking about the legality. i understand you're a lawyer. you're also a man of faith. isn't it kind of important whether or not what donald trump junior and manafort and kush thrner did whether or not it's wrong or ethical? >> you're conflating three things. the legality, was it legal or not? you're trying to put a moral ethical aspect to it. it's easy to do that in 20/20 hindsight but not in the middle
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of a campaign. meeting were taking place. 15, 20 minutes apart. this one went even shorter. everybody that's looking backwards and saying would have, could have, should have and donald trump junior said he would have done something different. to go back a year later when the meeting was 20 minutes and a series of meetings that took place for days and days and months, i don't think that's fair to donald trump junior. no one was in the situation of that kind of campaigning in the middle of a presidential election. there's a lot of meetings and a lot of discussions about opposition research coming on all side, republican, democrat and independent. >> not with the governments of hostile foreign powers. that's not normal. you can talk about research all you want but the russian government attorney. that's what this is billed at with high level intelligence on hillary clinton. for all don junior knew that wa
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coming from the fsb. that was coming from human intelligence or signals intelligence. he had no idea where it was coming from. it's not normal. normal opo is legally obtained. >> i go back to the yukraine example. they exchanged documents from a foreign government. >> paul manafort did work in ukraine. people in the ukraine wanted the united states to know. that was from a legal and public. >> jake, he was running the campaign at the time. i mean, we're acting like this is a one off thing that never happens in campaigns. you just gave the evidence of what took place there. >> nobody from the ukraine government met with the clinton campaign. >> that's not true. there were representatives at the ukraine embassy, the political report was clear. >> again. i know you want to change the subject. let's go back to russia.
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this is his answer. >> i probably met with other people from russia. not in the context of a form formalized meeting because why would i. >> saying i probably met with other people from russia. what other meetings or communications with russians have not been disclosed yet? >> none that i know of. i represent the president of the united states. donald trump junior said not in the context of formal meetings. he said he may have met with russian people as a lot of people meet with russian people. >> he said in march there were no meetings at all in the campaign and that's not true. >> i thought about that. again, i go back to and look at in the context of a meeting and the meetings and the series of meetings taking place during the campaigns. there were dozens of meetings
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every day, hundreds of meetings every week. this meeting lasted 15 minutes. it was short. nothing was produced. it never went any further. it wasn't ever discussed again. the president was not aware of the meeting and did not attend. with regard to donald trump junior said he may have met with other russian people wu not in the context of a formal meeting. >> you don't know who they are. we know there were eight people in that meeting, including a russian american lobbyist with alleged ties to russian intelligence just the latest in what trey gowdy is calling the drip, drip, drip of information about this controversy. what other details about this meeting have not been disclosed? >> i want to say, again, i represent the president. donald trump junior said he disclosed everything about the meeting. i'm one of the counsel for the president of the united states
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who was not involved in the meeting and not aware of the meeting. from our perspective my answer stant stands. the president was not aware of it. donald trump junior said this was everything. he said that on the air on sean hannity's broadcast. it speaks for itself. >> the trump campaign we learned this week paid $50,000 to donald trump junior's lawyer. they paid this a day after one of the cnn reporters called to say what can you tell us about this meeting. is that an acknowledgement that the meeting with the russian lawyer that he thought was with the russian government was official campaign business. the fact the trump campaign paid 50 grand to trump junior's attorney? >> i'm not involved in the discussions with the lawyers on who paid what entity and i don't represent donald trump junior. in a situation like this, this is not an unusual situation where the individual that's being questioned or subject to
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questioning, donald trump junior, retains counsel. involved in an incident that involved an e-mail campaign and when he was working, doing work for the campaign. that is not an unusual scenario or set up at all. i don't know the final determination of who is paying what bills to whom. i think that's still in process. >> i think a lot of people who give money to the trump campaign will be surprised they are paying for the legal bills for donald trump junior. thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. >> thanks, jake. appreciate it. >> donald trump junior says he is happy to share what he knows with the senate committee investigating. will he be willing to testify publicly? that story is next.
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promised to give the campaign dirt on hillary clinton last year. we have lots to discuss with my guests. thanks so much for joining us as always. >> thank you, jake. >> let's begin with donald trump junior's meeting. you heard president trump's lawyer a moment ago. the president learned maintaining there's nothing illegal about the meeting. i know special counsel robert mueller is overseeing the criminal part. what's your response to there's nothing criminal here at this meeting last year? >> we don't know because we don't know really what happened at the meeting. what we do know is donald trump junior did not tell the truth a variety of times. it first he said this meeting was only about russia immigration policies and adoptions. then he said there were only three or four people now. we know there's many more people. this was a meeting a part of the
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russian government's effort to discredit clinton and help trump. i'm not sure why we take anybody in this senior level of the trump administration at their word. that's why it's so important we get a chance to question these individuals and try to nail down the truth. >> senator, have you seen any evidence that any crime was committed? >> i'm not going to get into what evidence we have seen. we do know there seems to be a convenient pattern where all the senior officials of the trump campaign forget about the meetings with russians. don't put it on their forms until evidence comes out and then they have to amend. for example, mr. kushner, we now have three example where is he forgot meetings with russians and had to amend his disclosure forms. if i had a meeting that involve russian government efforts to try to help candidate trump and
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hurt clinton that i would remember that and frankly, it's a little bit unbelievable that neither the son or the son-in-law ever shared that information with their dad, the candidate. >> do you think kushner security clearance should be suspended? >> i'm trying to give all these people the benefit of the doubt until i get chance to talk to them. until we get chance to interview them. it's very bothersome that he's not forgotten not once, not twice but three times to put down this information. we see the pattern. general flynn failed to put down information, he got fired. the attorney general failed to disclose himself, he had to recuse himself. we had what the firing of jim comey was about. then the president said he fired him because of the russia thing. it's suspect. i think suspect regardless of
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which political party you belong to. >> june 20716 meeting with the russian lawyer cnn confirmed it concluded eight people. will your committee seek to call all eight of them including trump junior and jared kushner to testify? >> i would like to hear from all these individuals. whether we'll be able to get the russian nationals to come over and testify is an open question. those people that our committee has jurisdiction over, the american, i sure as heck want to talk to all of them. >> do you think trump junior and kushner will testify in open session so the public can hear from them? >> they have said they are anxious to work with the committee. i'm going to take them at their word. it will be interesting to see whether they will be willing to testify in open hearing or closed hearing. end of the day we have to get the information and we have to share the information with the american public. the american public deserves to know how the russians attacked our most basic democratic
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process, how they interfered not just in our country but in france. they're going to interfere in germany. they got a great return on investment. you add up the money they spent on all these efforts to disrupt elections, you double it and still talking about less than 5% of the cost of a new aircraft carrier. the russians have found in cyber warfare a very good rate of return on what is a pit in terms of money they are spending. >> do you have a timeline on when we will have testimony from kushner and donald trump junior? >> i would have us move much further and faster. we were delayed by the firing of jim comey that nobody could have predicted. it's important we get documents from these individuals first to ask them the right questions. clearly if we don't have all the information, what we'll see and what i'm afraid of is this individuals don't seem to
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disclose everything or don't tell the whole truth until they have evidence put in front of them. >> the last time you were on this program back on june 4th, you said it appears that russian paid internet trolls created bots, a type of web robot that performs that would put forward misinformation, false stories about hillary clinton in ways that seemed targeted. targeted -- you said at certain states, certain demographics, precincts bp you said we don't have full proof of this. here we are six weeks later, have you uncovered any evidence on this front? >> we have more investigation to look into. i would like to also look into the basactivities of the trump digital campaign. i will point out this, facebook which denied any responsibility around our elections by the time the french elections took place, this spring, they took down 30,000 fake sites.
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we know that it's been estimated 8% of all twitter accounts are fake. the ability to manipulate the search engines and some of these social media platforms is real. it's out there. we need information from the companies as well as we need to look into the activities of some of the trump digital campaign activities. >> are you going to want freedom cambridge analytical, maybe facebook executives to testify? >> i sure want to get all these questions. not to try to re-litigate 2016, but we have to be ready in 2018. the one thing we have heard is the russian will be back. what bothers me is because the president won't acknowledge this attack, we don't have a whole government response. for example, 21 states the russians attempted to hack into their system. we hear from secretaries of state, democrat and republican,
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they have not been notified by dhs. i don't think that makes the country safer by not notifying the states that were attacked and better prepared in 2018. >> there's a new poll out this morning that found horrible approval ratings for donald trump but also it found that 52% of the american people polled think the democratic party mainly stands for opposing trump instead of standing for somebody substantive. is there a risk for democrats to be seen in this light? >> listen, i think we need to try to work with our republican colleagues on tax reform, on health care reform. i got a lot of ideas about how we can fix the aca or obamacare. what that means is the republicans have to get off this notion that they're going to change all these laws just as republicans. i wish mitch mcconnell would take the face of my friend susan collins and let democrats and republicans sit down together
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the way the constitution said and try to work to actually bipartisan solutions. that would help the republicans and help the democrats and it would help the president's approval ratings as well. >> thanks so much for your time. >> thank you. what happened overnight that's forcing a major delay on republican plans to repeal and replace obamacare? we'll tell you about it after the break. ave accident forgiveness. so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. across the country, we walk for those affected by alzheimer's disease. carrying flowers that signify why we want to end it.
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mcconnell needs every last vote because republicans are waviiv r waivering on the bill thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> president trump is making phones tos waivering senators. you said you're going to vote no. has president trump called you? is he still hoping maybe he can win you over? >> he talked to me at the white house at a meeting at the republican caucus a couple of weeks ago. i've not heard directly from him. i have heard from members of his administration, including his chief of staff. let me just quickly say that all of us are concerned about john mccain and we're wishing him a sp speedy recovery. he's tough and i'm sure he will be back soon. >> vice president pence tried to
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delay any concerns about what this bill will do with medicaid. take a listen. >> let me be clear. president trump and i believe the senate health care bill strengthens and secures immediate kimmediate kad for th neediest in our society. this puts it on a path to long term staustainability. >> will this bill strengthen it? >> i would respectfully disagree with the analysis. this bill could impose fundamental sweeping changes in the medicaid program and those include very deep cuts. that would affect some of the most vulnerable in our society including disabled children, poor seniors. it would basic our rural hospitals and our nursing homes. they would have a very difficult
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time even staying in existence and serving vulnerable population. i see it very differently. you can't take more than $700 billion out of the medicaid program and not think it's going to have some kind of affect. >> one of the major changes to the health care bill was a provision offered by senator ted cruz that would allow insurance companies to sell cheaper plans that offer fewer benefits. you have criticized the provision. wouldn't the provision make it possible for some people who can't afford to buy coverage able to buy coverage? >> i do want to see more flexibility in the insurance market. senator cruz approach is not the answer. it's rare for insurers and consumers groups to agree but they agree on this. the cruz plan is unworkable. it would result in undermining
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the protections for people with pre-existing conditions. it would create two separate groups of individuals and some of them would have very skimpy insurance coverage at a low price but it might not help them when they get sick. then there's the group of people who have serious medical problems and their premiums and deductibles would go sky high such that snurngs would be unaffordable for many of them. there is way to deal with this and that is by creating a r re-insurance pool for people with pre-existing conditions. that would help drive down premiums. we did it in maine for 18 months before the affordable care act went into effect and it was highly successful. >> you and rand paul are opposed to this latest piece of
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legislation from the senate. they can't afford to lose anymore vote from the republican conference on this. do you think the bill will pass or enough waivering republicans that it will not? >> there's about eight to ten republican senator who is have serious concerns about this bill. at the end of the day i don't know whether it will pass but i do know this, we should not be making fundamental changes in a vital safety net program that's been on the books for 50 years. the medicaid program without having a single hearing to evaluate what the consequences are going to be. there doesn't mean there aren't problems with the medicaid program that need to be addressed. it doesn't mean that the aca doesn't have serious flaws. it does. that's why we need to go through the normal committee process and
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get input from people on both sides of the aisle. that's what would produce the kind of legislation that we need. >> you're also a member of the senate intelligence committee, which is investigating the russia investigation. president trump came to the defense of donald trump junior this week after those e-mails were released. take a listen. >> my son is a wonderful young man. he took a meeting with a russian lawyer. not a government lawyer but a russian lawyer. most people would have taken that meeting. it's called opposition research. >> you've been through a few campaigns. if you were told a lawyer wanted to share information with you as part of the russian government's effort to help you get elected, how would you respond? >> i would respond in the negative. i think most candidates would. we need to get to the bottom of this but the only way we're going to do it is to talk not
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just to donald trump junior who has offered to cooperate for which i give him credit but to every one who was at that meeting and who was involved in setting up that meeting. it may be difficult in the case of the russian nationals but we ought to try. we should also ask for all documents not just the e-mails that have been released but all the documents that are related to any context that president trump had with the russian government. >> of the three people from the trump team that will were in th only one, jared kushner is in the white house with security clearance. given how many times we had to update his forms and how untransparent he's been, do you have any concerns about his security clearance? >> that's an issue that we need to look at but right now we
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don't have enough evidence. i don't know who advised him on the forms. i don't know how many meetings he had in total. i don't know whether most of them were listed. those are issues that we need to review. it's one reason why the intelligence committees counter intelligence investigation needs to continue. it's on a separate track from the special counsels investigation which is looking at the issue of whether or not there's any criminal wrong doing. that's not in our baliwick. we need to run the interference and whether there was any collaboration. we need to put into place safeguards to prevent this kind of interference from happening in the future. the russians are going to try
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again. >> thank you so much for joining us today. great to see you. >> thanks so much. i'm waiting with my pen to sign it pressuring republicans to pass this health care bill. how is this deal maker going to close this one? that story is next. more than one thing.o much more than one flavor, or texture, or color. a good clean salad is so much more than green. and with panera catering, more for your event. panera. food as it should be. helping small businesses.ut, jamie -- damage your vehicle? we got you covered. [ glass shatters ] property damage? that's what general liability's for. what?! -injured employee? -ow. workers' comp helps you pay for a replacement. what's happening? this is carla. how's it going? and if anything comes up, our experts are standing by.
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so, obviously there's lots of reasons to be concerned. >> it's problematic at the very least. it's very damaging. >> this drip, drip, drip is undermining the credibility of this administration. >> those are republicans on capitol hill objecting to donald trump junior's meeting with a russian lawyer and questioning whether the white house can accomplish anything while trying to battle against the steady stream of new revelations about
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russia. former republican attorney general of the great commonwealth of virginia. thanks one in all for being here. ken, charles who is a very powerful conservative pundit and a leading one, he said that we're in a new phase now and this was not acceptable whether or not it was legal. this meeting was not acceptable. do you agree with him? >> there's nothing illegal about it but it's raised enormous questions. it's sunday, the end of the week that's covered nothing but donald trump junior. virtually nothing. the health care bill came out thursday and it was the tail end of any news show. i think that's a problem on two levels. one, it isn't going to affect americans lives but second of
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all it's distracted. it has thoroughly wiped off the table other meaningful subjects to people's lives like health care. donald trump junior gave him the ammo to do that. >> you heard the argument there's nothing illegal but he didn't answer my question when i asked but what about was it moral, was it ethical? >> was it improper? yes it was improper. there's argument anybody would have taken this meeting in politics. no they wouldn't. people haven't taken this. do we take oppo? yes. when it's the russian government, you say no and you immediately call the fbi. i think that's the problem. donald trump junior's amnesia with regard to this meeting is troublesome. even more so than that his affluenza and righteous indignation who questions whether or not they knew about russians tipping the escape toward donald trump, that's discouraging to the american
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people and i find it insulting as well. >> we found out there's eight people at this meeting including a russian-american lobbyist with alleged ties. as a member of the house intelligence committee, how important are these other people besides the three trump players and the lawyer? >> they are very significant. we want to hear from them and anyone involved in setting up the meeting or any host meetings that took place. i don't think this was a one off. it doesn't look like that. i think this is costing us everything. you think of all those people and the crowds that donald trump had who were really putting their hopes on him to put them back to work and help with the problems in their lives and this investigati investigation, the continuing of saying no russia, no collusion to saying so what, this is opposition research. the distraction has affected our ability to work for those people especially his ability to deliver on the promises he made. >> do you think democrats are ta talking to much about the russia investigation as opposed to
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health care and tax reform? >> i think that democrats and i heard my friend gavin new sm talk about this but i think democrats are perfectly capable of walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time. i don't hear the outrage from the republican colleagues that i believe this russia investigation deserves. i think we're talking about a legitimate threat against our democracy. i like to play the what if game. what if barack obama did this or what if hillary clinton did this? kim would be red in face and running around with pitch forks with washington, d.c. we don't see that same outrage because it's donald trump and he's able to meander his way in and out of lies. i think the democrats can talk about the 23 million people can talk about health care and say that donald trump junior, what he did was a threat to our democracy and borderline treason. >> ken, you agree with alice that getting opposition research from somebody billed as with the russian government, you wouldn't take that meet something.
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>> no, i don't agree with her in the sense, and i don't think most americans think that everybody in washington who is saying i would never do this, bull hockey. this is a low form of human liflife inside the beltway here. an enormous proportion of folks would take this meeting be. >> from the russian government? >> i don't buy this -- again, i'm troubled by it. i don't like it. i'm an idealist and i don't think most people are. in your polling you were talking to senator warner at the beginning of the show or earlier part of the show where most people think democrats just stand for being against trump. >> let's put that poll up. >> it's part of the problem. this is a bipartisan problem. >> it's 52% just against trump. >> we're losing our opportunity here. >> like for example, people i'm
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about winning elections. we want to change the conversation in washington, d.c. we can't do it if we don't get more democrats elected. what did republicans in 2010 stand for? republicans in 2010 were against barack obama. >> they were against obamacare. >> now we are against repeal and replace or whatever that may be and we're against donald trump. the central theme of the republican part, mitch mcconnell wanted toyota be a one-term president. it's okay. we can talk about other issue. >> we have a future election coming up. we have the 2018 midterm and another presidential election. i think republicans, democrats, i hope see this as an opportunity to say we have a responsibility to secure the ballot box. we know the russians will do this again. other countries will see this as an opportunity. >> they are done it in the past. whatever mueller does, we should accept the fact that russia attacked us and doesn't have the
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opportunity to do it again. >> they are looking to clean up voter registration data. they will be able to determine information about russians influence and impact on the election. i think that's important, to your point. we need to make sure this doesn't happen again. if i were advising the white house, which they wouldn't listen to me, get it all out there and tell them everything and let's let mueller do an investigation in the house and senate and do an investigation at hand. >> let's talk about that. here is president trump talking with christian broadcasting network about repeal and replace. >> they have to do it. they have to get together and get it done. >> if they don't? >> well, i don't want to talk about it. i think it would be very bad. i would be very angry ant it. a lot of people would be very upset. >> if it fails to pass, do you think president trump might go after some of his fellow
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republicans? >> that's always a possibility any way. he's very unpredictable in that respect and never been in politics before. we don't know what he will do in this mid term election. that's a big question mark for how that will happen. it will also matter when we turn the corner into 2018, what's his standing with the electorate and the primary electorate which is the source of his leverage to have that impact. that's determined by what goes on here in washington. whether anything gets done and whether he tries. if we have a health care bill that doesn't basically undo obamacare, senate conservative fund where i work, we don't want it to pass. >> who do you think, there are already two republicans in opposition, collins and rand paul. if one more comes out against it, then it's dead. who do you think is most likely to fit that role? there are eight to ten republican who is are waivering? >> one of the things that mitch mcconnell is afraid of is postponing this vote longer because democrats will ramp up
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the resistance as we so eloquently call it. i would look at governors. i would look at kasich and sandoval. they have a great deal of influence over portman and heller. i think that's where democrats will focus a lot of energy. i do real when obamacare was being rolled out about this same time in 2008, 2009, barack obama stood in front of the media and did a press conference for 50 minutes and took questions. we're waiting on donald trump to do the same thing. >> congressman, what do you think will happen with this bill? >> i think the people are being hurt. i wish we were amplifying these stories two years ago. it's the people that says this affects my son with cancer. this affects my husband's treatment. don't take away our care. that energy will be leveraged in the senate. >> obamacare is why the charges are going up? >> that's why -- >> you don't strengthen a failure. you get rid of a failure. >> we got to break up. she was saying i was right.
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10:00 am
this is "gps." welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm coming to you live in new york. an exclusive interview with the minister of iran, javad zarif where the state of his country and the re-election of iran's president. will the country's hard line soften further? also, the man behind the russia story that is rocking the news. what russia wanted from donald trump junior was to end the


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